Season’s Greetings from We wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2022!
Various Ways of Investing in the Real Estate
While purchasing a property and renting it out is the most common method of investing in real estate, however there are wider range of investing approaches that an investor could potentially benefit from depending on their time frame and risk tolerance. Below you can see some available options that are for education purposes. As always, seeking solid advice from a professional licensed expert would be highly recommended before making any investment decisions.
Six Tips For Financial Fitness
As the world moves towards the end of the current global pandemic, it’s the right time to take control of your financial health by proactively incorporating healthy habits in maintaining your money. Moreover, achieving financial freedom can benefit you today and down the road. Therefore, it is essential to establish certain practices that can put you in a position to be able to reach your financial goal.
Housing Market & Election 2021
With the federal election campaign fully underway the major political parties are selling themselves to people who want to own homes.
The Conservatives appear to have taken direct aim at first time buyers.
Take Advantage Of All-Time Low Mortgage Rates During…
COVID has brought us a challenging year full of unpleasant news, uncertainty, stress, and troubles. However, on the positive side, financially, it creates some opportunities. The most outstanding one is the “All-time Low Mortgage Rates”!
Happy New Year 2021!
We have been through a year full of unpleasant news, uncertainty, and instability. The good news is that it is over, and it is now behind us. We came out of it much stronger to a brighter and better future.
5 reasons to get a second opinion on…
Given the large financial commitment of a mortgage, it's surprising that so many homeowners sleepwalk through the mortgage renewal process and don't look at all their options in the marketplace. Many accept whatever their lender offers or just have a short negotiation to shave a few points off.
Private Lenders: A Quick Solution To Unexpected Financial…
Generally speaking, private mortgages are not perceived as a pleasant solution in the eyes of the majority of borrowers. This is because they are expensive in nature, but there is a reason behind the costly nature of their funds. Let’s take a closer look at why it is so and what problems can be solved by private lending solutions.
What To Look For In An “A” Mortgage…
Did you know that not all “A” products offered by major banks are the “ace products?” So if you’re looking for a mortgage getting one from schedule A lenders shouldn’t be your priority. After the introduction of B20 in 2011, and later the stress test rules in 2018, the mortgage industry has become more complicated than ever. A few years ago, we used to have straight-forward, limited options. But these days, even with the schedule A lenders such as charter banks, you might find various features or offers on the same product from different lenders.
Six Steps To Close Your Mortgage Deal During…
Whether it’s our work schedule or social life, there is no denying that COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. However, that doesn’t mean that you should stop planning for a prosperous future for you and your family, especially when it comes to purchasing a home.
Critical Steps Before You Start Your House Hunting
Prepare Your Down-payment Account:
If your down-payment comes from your own savings, ensure that the source of all large deposits is trackable and tracible. According to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, all lenders in Canada are obliged to make an enquiry and do their due diligence to ensure that the source of down-payment is legitimate and clear. As a rule of thumb, they would ask you to provide a minimum three-month history from your savings account. If there is any large deposit into your account during that period, be prepared to provide some additional documentation to prove the source of it.
Additional Benefit Of Working With!
Securing a mortgage is getting increasingly challenging, which makes it best to hire a professional that can guide you through the entire process of applying for a pre-approval to collecting the house keys.
How To Improve Your Monthly Cash Flow In…
Regardless of whether you have set “financial improvement” as one of your resolutions for 2020 or not, it is vital to understand that everyone faces financial challenges from time to time. To overcome economic hardships that could force you to live from paycheck to paycheck or accumulate heaps of debt, it is vital to watch your cash flow and improve how you utilize your money.
Season’s Greetings from
We wish you to find joy and happiness in every corner of your home during this holiday season and afterward. HOME is where you feel comfort, security, and peace of mind. We want you to experience Home with us. Remember, we are in the business of bringing families HOME! That is our vision!
Fixed Rate vs Variable Rate Mortgages: A Closer…
Although, both rates have its own pros and cons, they both are highly dependent on the borrower circumstance. But before we want to identify which one is better for each given situation, we need to define the characteristic of each rate and what their differences are.
Six Incentives For First-Time Home Buyers
Purchasing your first home can be an exciting experience, but monetary constraints can force you to postpone your decision. After all, buying a house is a significant financial undertaking that takes years to repay. Fortunately, the Canadian Government offers a variety of grants and special programs for first-time homebuyers to help meet their housing needs. Taking advantage of these incentives will ease your financial burden and may even alleviate some of the stress.
Understanding The Different Types Of Mortgage Lenders
When you consult with a mortgage broker, irrespective of your financial situation and credit score, they are likely to have a lender that is willing to work with you. A mortgage broker can do this because of the extensive network of lenders they have built and the knowledge they have acquired about each type of lender.
Nine Critical Steps To Improve Your Credit When…
Life is filled with many unseen and unexpected events, and as we take on more responsibilities, at some point or the other, we’re bound to go through inevitable financial ups and downs. Some people can manage these situations and come out of it with minimal loss or damage, while some people cannot handle their financial problems due to various reasons. In this article, we will elaborate on why these kinds of situations occur, how they can be fixed, and what tools are available to help you make your situation better.
Why You Should Choose
When it comes to securing a mortgage for a new home, most homeowners turn to banks. However, bank representatives only show you mortgages available in their institution. Whereas when you work with a mortgage broker, they provide you with a wide range of products as they work with lenders, banks, insurance companies, etc. These professionals focus on your individual needs and have the negotiating power to get you the best deal.
Capitalize On Your Home Equity
If you bought your home a few years ago, paid your mortgage installments on a regular basis, and hopefully the market value of your house appreciated year over year, then it’s time for your house to start paying you back from the cash accumulated in your home equity you’ve built.